Annual Dues are $35
Membership Dues increase $5.00 starting 1 July 2024
If you have served federal active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving – you are eligible for membership in The American Legion!
Eligible veterans applying for first time membership can either do it online, by mail, or in person at the Post.
In person, at the Post, the best time is during Bingo every Wednesday and Friday evening or at the monthly General Meeting, every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm. Any Post member can help.
Steps to become a member of The American Legion:
Complete the American Legion Membership application online American Legion Membership online
Click here to download a pdf version of the application form.
Print two (2) completed copies. Keep one copy for your records. Mail the other copy to American Legion Post 290 (Attn: Membership), P.O. Box 125, Stafford, VA 22555, together with your dues payment. (Dues amount is $35). Applications are also available at the Post.
Copy of DD214 or Discharge papers
Membership Dues Payment. Dues. (amount shown on application). Make checks payable American Legion Post 290. DO NOT SEND CASH.
If the information is correct, membership will be approved and then a membership card will be mailed to you.
Please see eligibility dates below.
Membership dues payment, if current year dues are not paid. If current dues are paid, please pay dues for next year's membership.
Veterans applying for transfers from your current Post to our Post must submit the following:
Click here to download Member Data Form
Copy of DD214 or Discharge papers
Copy of membership card
Membership eligibility in The American Legion is based on honorable service with the U. S. Armed Forces between:
(April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918) World War I
(December 7, 1941 - Present)
All Service to include but not limited to:
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Operation Just Cause
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Global War on Terrorism
Because eligibility dates remain open, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to join The American Legion at this time, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the government of the United States.
Must have served at least one day of active military duty during one of the dates above and honorably discharged or still serving honorably.
For any questions please contact our membership chairman, Lewis Bunch, at
Eliminate the yearly hassle of remembering to renew your American Legion membership by taking advantage of the new multiyear membership available to current and potential members. Legionnaires needing to renew for 2024 or veterans joining the organization for the first time can lock-in a three-year membership by visiting
A multiyear membership was approved by the National Executive Committee of The American Legion during the organization’s Spring Meetings last May. Resolution 1: Purchase of Multiple Years of Membership approves “a five-year pilot program offering the purchase of three consecutive 12-month member terms at the then current dues rate.”
Here is what you need to know about the three-year membership:
- Multiyear membership sign-up is only available on the national American Legion website. Current or potential members cannot renew or join for a three-year membership at the post level or through
- Renew now with a three-year membership by visiting
- Join now with a three-year membership by visiting
- Legionnaires already renewed for 2024 will soon be able to renew under the multi-year membership starting with the 2025 membership year.
- Payment for the three-year membership will be upfront.
- There is not a discounted rate with the three-year membership.
- Membership cards will still be sent annually by Legion posts.
Please note that the multiyear membership will work just like PUFL. Whatever rate the member renews at is the what the post/department/national will receive for the duration of that timeframe. For example, if a member renews today (before national per-capita $5 dues increase come July 1, 2024), National will receive $18.50 for the next three years. Let’s say the department’s per capita is currently $10 and is going to raise to $15 come July 1, 2024. The department will receive the $10 for the next three years. Once the member renews after the three year renewal is up, the renewal rate will adjust to the rate at that time.